Birkenstock love

Annimarian  Black Birkenstock Birko Flor sandals red toenails green grass

Annimarian  Black Birkenstock Birko Flor sandals red toenails green grass

Black Birkenstock Birko Flor sandals navy and white polka dot skirt blonde girl

Black Birkenstock Birko Flor sandals navy and white polka dot skirt blonde girl

Birkenstock love – Heippa! Ihanaa, viikonloppu! On ollut kyllĂ€ taas niin haipakkaviikko, ettĂ€ perjantaita on odotettu. Ajattelin esitellĂ€ mun uudet lempparikengĂ€t, nimittĂ€in uudet Birkenstockit! Mulla on ennestÀÀn yhdet, joita oon esitellyt ainakin tÀÀllĂ€. Nyt on sitten tuollaiset vĂ€hĂ€n hillitymmĂ€n vĂ€riset, mutta ei mun mielestĂ€ tylsĂ€t kuitenkaan, kun noissa on tuollainen tavallista paksumpi pohja. Joittenkin mielestĂ€ varmaan silti liian terveyskengĂ€t, mutta mÀÀ oon todellakin lĂ€mmenny nĂ€ille tĂ€ssĂ€ parina viime vuonna. MitĂ€ ootte mieltĂ€ Birkenstockeista ylipÀÀtÀÀn? PitĂ€iskö ne jĂ€ttÀÀ sairaanhoitajille? 🙂

Toinen lempparijuttu on tuo hame. Se on mummulta lainassa! KĂ€vin viime sunnuntaina mummulla ja katseltiin vĂ€hĂ€n mummun vaatekaappeihin. SieltĂ€hĂ€n löytyi vaikka mitĂ€! Oon pitĂ€nyt tĂ€tĂ€ hametta jo kolmena pĂ€ivĂ€nĂ€ töissĂ€ tĂ€llĂ€ viikolla… NĂ€köjÀÀn oon viimeaikoina mieltynyt varsin mukaviin kenkiin ja vaatteisiin 😀

Ihanaa viikonloppua! 🙂

Birkenstock love – Hello! Ahhhh, it is the weekend! This week has been so hectic so I can say that Friday was very welcome. I thought I could show you my new favorite shoes, my new Birkenstocks! I have one other pair that I have showed at least here.  These are a little more calmer colored, but not boring because of the thick sole. I’m sure some people still think they look too much like the orthopedic shoes, but I have started to like these more and more over the last couple of years. What do you think about the Birkenstocks? Should they be left for the nurses to use? 🙂

Other new favorite is the skirt in the pictures. I have borrowed it from my grandmom! Last Sunday I visited her and we took a look in her closet and there were so many cool things. I have worn this skirt three times this week at work… Looks like I have a thing for very comfortable shoes and clothes at the moment 😀

Have a lovely weekend! 🙂


Summer bag

annimarian summer bag

annimarian summer bag

annimarian summer bag
Pictures: Pinterest

Heippa! Oon viimeaikoina kehittĂ€nyt pakkomielteen saada joku tuollainen kuvien mukainen kesĂ€laukku! Noita nĂ€kyy nyt vĂ€hĂ€n joka puolella ainakin Instagramissa. Sain itseasiassa just eilen valmiiksi laukun, jonka virkkasin luonnonvalkoisesta kalastajalangasta. Se on hyvin saman tyylinen kuin tuo ensimmĂ€isenĂ€ oikealla oleva laukku. Tosin tuo kuvan laukun vĂ€ri on ehkĂ€ vielĂ€ ihanampi kuin valkoinen, ehkĂ€ siis teen myös tuollaisen, kun löydĂ€n sopivaa lankaa. Tuommoinen joku olkikassi olis myös ihan must kesĂ€ksi, mutta sellaista tuskin pystyy ihan noin vain itse tekemÀÀn. Ootteko nĂ€hneet kaupoissa kivoja laukkuja? Vinkatkaa mullekin! 🙂

Hello! Recently I have been obsessing about these kind of summer bags! I see them everywhere in Instagram now. Actually I finished a crochet bag just yesterday, it looks a lot like the bag in the first picture on the right. My bag is white and now I feel like I also want to make one bag with this beautiful beige color. I just need to find the right material and I’ll make it! Those straw bags are also so beautiful, but maybe a bit more difficult to make. Have you seen nice ones in shops? Let me know if you have! 🙂


Make Up Store cake eyeliner

annimarian make up store cake eyeliner

annimarian make up store cake eyeliner

Make Up Store Cake eyeliner

Kuka muu tunnustaa? Rajauksien laittaminen on toisinaan aika upporikasta tai rutiköyhÀÀ. Rajauksista tulee joko tosi hyvÀt, tosi huonot ja ei ainakaan keskenÀÀn samanlaiset. Aikaisemmin en edes aloittanut laittamaan rajauksia, jos ei ollut reilusti aikaa. KiireessÀ se ei nimittÀin ainakaan onnistunut. Mun edellinen eye liner alkoi lÀhestyÀ loppuaan ja aloin katteleen uutta. Halusin nimenomaan jonkun sellaisen, mitÀ olis tosi helppo kÀyttÀÀ ja mulle tuli mieleen kiinteÀ rajausvÀri.

Who else can confess, putting on eyeliner can sometimes be quite tricky. The liner will be either super cool or horrible and never equal in both eyes. Before I wouldn’t even start with the eyeliner if I didn’t have a lot of time, because you are doomed to fail if you try to hurry. My previous eyeliner was finishing soon, so I started to look for a new one. I specifically wanted something easy to use and I came up with a solid liner.

Googlettelin aikani ja pÀÀdyin tÀhÀn Make Up Store cake eyeliner rajausvÀriin. Se on siis tÀysin kuiva vÀri, jota levitetÀÀn kostealla siveltimellÀ. Tosi monilla merkeillÀ oli tarjolla geelimÀisiÀ vÀrejÀ pienessÀ purkissa, mutta monet kÀyttÀjÀt kommentoi geelimÀisten vÀrien kuivahtavan helposti kÀyttökelvottomiksi. TÀmÀn kanssa ei siis ole sitÀ vaaraa, koska se on jo valmiiksi tÀysin kuiva!

I googled for a while and ended up getting this Make Up Store cake eyeliner. It is completely dry, solid eye liner that is applied with a wet brush. Many brands had gel liners in little containers, but I read a lot of comments that these liners easily dry out and become unusable. There is no such risk with this, because it is already completely dry!

Ostin samalla tuollaisen ohuen siveltimen, koska sellaista mulla ei ollut. Ostin rajausvĂ€rin Oulun Sokokselta yhdellĂ€ työreissulla ja heti hotellille pÀÀstyĂ€ aloin testaamaan. Koin melkoisen ahaa-elĂ€myksen. RajausvĂ€rin laittaminen ei ole lainkaan hankalaa, kun on sopiva sivellin ja vĂ€ri! Mun aikaisemmat eye linerit oli aina sellaisia “tavallisia”, missĂ€ on se pieni pullo vĂ€riĂ€ ja sivellin mukana. Tuo uusi sivellin on ehkĂ€ kolme kertaa kapeampi kuin mun edellisen rajausvĂ€rin sivellin. Aikaisemmin vĂ€rin levittĂ€misen hankaluus johtui siis siitĂ€, ettĂ€ vĂ€riĂ€ tuli kerralla ihan liikaa paksulla siveltimellĂ€, joten levittĂ€misen joutui tekemÀÀn ÀÀrimmĂ€isen varovasti. TĂ€llĂ€ uudella vĂ€rillĂ€ ja siveltimellĂ€ on ihan Ă€lyttömĂ€n helppo ja nopea tehdĂ€ ohut tai paksu rajaus. Seuraavana aamuyönĂ€ tekaisin rajaukset ihan hetkessĂ€ ennen kello viiden pick-upia!

Oon todella tyytyvĂ€inen tĂ€hĂ€n ostokseen, toivottavasti tĂ€ssĂ€ oli hyvĂ€ vinkki jollekin muullekin 🙂

At the same time I also bought that thin brush, because I didn’t have such brush. I bought these products from Sokos in Oulu on one of my layovers there and I started testing the eyeliner as soon as I got to the hotel. I was so surprised, in a positive way. It is not difficult at all to apply eyeliner when you have the right brush and a good color. All my previous eyeliners where the “normal” type, those with the little bottle and the brush in it. This new brush I bought is maybe three times thinner than the previous one I had. So the difficulty came with the too thick brush that brought too much color with it, so you had to do the applying super carefully. With this new color and brush it is extremely easy and quick to do a thin or a thick line. The next morning I applied my eyeliner super quickly before my 5 am pick-up!

I am very satisfied with this purchase and I hope it is a good tip to someone else too 🙂


Black and white

annimarian Black and white

annimarian Black and white

annimarian Black and white

annimarian Black and white

Black and white – Heippa! Miten on viikko lĂ€htenyt kĂ€yntiin? MÀÀ kĂ€vin aamulla hammaslÀÀkĂ€rissĂ€, toivottavasti viimeisen kerran tĂ€mĂ€n juurihoidon tiimoilta. Aika monta kertaa siellĂ€ saikin kĂ€ydĂ€! Muutama pĂ€ivĂ€ sitten laitoin ekaa kertaa pÀÀlle nuo kuvissa nĂ€kyvĂ€t mustat housut. Ostin ne Japanista kesĂ€llĂ€. Oon varmasti yli vuoden katellu tuon tyyppisiĂ€ housuja sekĂ€ kaupoissa maailmalla ettĂ€ ihmisten pÀÀllĂ€. Erityisesti Aasiassa ihmiset kĂ€yttÀÀ paljon tuollaisia vajaamittaisia ja leveitĂ€ housuja. Ajattelin aina, ettĂ€ en vois kĂ€yttÀÀ tuollaisia, koska ne varmaan lyhentÀÀ ja leventÀÀ. Mutta sitten mietin, ettĂ€ jos ne about 30 senttiĂ€ mua lyhyemmĂ€t aasialaisnaiset voi noita kĂ€yttÀÀ, niin kai sitten voin minĂ€kin nĂ€yttĂ€mĂ€ttĂ€ ihan persjalkaiselta? Voin tai en, ostin ne silti ja nyt ne on siis pÀÀssyt myös kĂ€yttöön! Oikeastaan mulle on ihan sama jos jonkun mielestĂ€ ne ei sovi mulle, mun mielestĂ€ ne on oikein hauskat housut!

Nuo housut sopii myös tosi hyvin korkkareiden kanssa esimerkiksi toimistotyöhön ja miksei myös johonkin iltatapahtumaan korkkareitten ja jonkun juhlavan topin kanssa. Katotaan minkĂ€ kanssa puen ne seuraavaksi 🙂 Kivaa maanantaita!

Black and white – Hello! How has your week started? I started the day by going to the dentist. I have been there so many times fixing this one tooth that I really hope today was the last time for a while. A few days ago I wore these black pants for the first time. I bought them from Japan in the summer. I have been eying those pants in the shops around the world and on people for at least a year. Especially people in Asia wear those wide and cropped pants a lot. I always thought that I couldn’t wear those, because they would make me look wider and shorter. But then I thought that if the Asian women 30 centimeters shorter than me can wear those, so can I. Should or shouldn’t, I bought them anyway and now I have also started wearing them! I don’t actually care much if someone thinks that those pants don’t suit me, I think they are quite funny pants!

Those pants go super well with heels too, for example to wear at the office. I could also imagine them to a night event with heels and a party top. Let’s see how I wear them next time 🙂 Have a good Monday!



Rainy day

annimarian Rainy day

annimarian Rainy day

annimarian Rainy day

annimarian Rainy day

annimarian Rainy dayRainy day – Heippa! Miten on pĂ€ivĂ€ mennyt? Ainakin HelsingissĂ€ sataa, en tiiĂ€ sataako koko Suomessa. AamupĂ€ivĂ€llĂ€ paistoi hetken aurinko, niin ponkaisin heti pihalle. Se huvi loppui kuitenkin aika lyhyeen! MeidĂ€n aamupala muuten keskeytyi siihen, ettĂ€ liesituulettimen takaa alkoi valua vettĂ€ hellalle. Nousin tuolille kattomaan ja nĂ€in, ettĂ€ vesi tulee liesituulettimen ylĂ€puolelta, hyllyn takaa sellaisesta ilmanvaihtohormista. Huoltomieskin tuli sitĂ€ katteleen, mutta ei osannut sanoa mitÀÀn. Veden tulo loppui kuitenkin lyhyeen, mutta olis ihan kiva tietÀÀ, ettĂ€ mistĂ€ ja miksi se oikein tuli!

Mulla on siis tĂ€nÀÀn ollut vapaa ja vielĂ€ huomennakin on. Onko vinkkejĂ€, mitĂ€ jĂ€nnÀÀ vois sateellakin tehdĂ€? Tuntuu, ettĂ€ pakko keksiĂ€ jotain aktiviteettia, kun koko kesĂ€ tuntuu valuvan vaan ohi nĂ€iden sĂ€iden takia… Just kollegan kans puhuttiin Naritan paluussa, ettĂ€ kyllĂ€ kesĂ€ vaan on suomalaisille niin tĂ€rkeĂ€, koska niin suuri osa vuodesta ollaan ihan pimeydessĂ€. Jos kesÀÀ ei sitten olekaan, niin se on aika masentava juttu. Oonko ainut, joka ajattelee nĂ€in? MitĂ€ te ootte tehny tĂ€nĂ€ sateisena kesĂ€nĂ€?

Postauksen kuvat on yhdeltĂ€ sellaiselta harvinaiselta aurinkoiselta pĂ€ivĂ€ltĂ€ muutama viikko sitten 😀 Tuo Lidlin mekko on itseasiassa ollut enemmĂ€n kĂ€ytössĂ€ tĂ€nĂ€ kesĂ€nĂ€. SiinĂ€ on nuo pidemmĂ€t hihat, niin en tykkÀÀ kĂ€yttÀÀ sitĂ€ lĂ€mpiminĂ€ ja aurinkoisina pĂ€ivinĂ€.

Rainy day – Hello! How has your day been? At least in Helsinki it is raining, I don’t know if that is the deal in the whole Finland. In the morning it was sunny, so I rushed to the backyard. That pleasure ended soon though when it got completely cloudy. By the way, our breakfast was interrupted by a water leak over the stove. I stood up on a chair to see better and I saw that the water was coming from a ventilation pipe behind a shelf, over the stove. We called a maintenance man to take a look at it, but he didn’t know how that happened. It didn’t leak for a long time, but it would be nice to know where the water actually came from!

So I have had a day off today and also tomorrow will be off. Any tips what to do during these rainy days? I feel like I have to come up with some activities because I feel like the whole summer is wasted because of these weathers… We just spoke with a colleague on the flight back from Narita, that the summer is so important for the Finnish people, because we spend so big part of the year in complete darkness. Not to mention the cold. So if there is no summer, it can be quite depressing. Am I the only one thinking like this? What have you done during this rainy summer (in Finland)?

The pictures of this post are from one of those sunny days a few weeks ago 😀 Actually I have used that Lidl dress more this summer, because I don’t like to wear it on warm and sunny days because of the long sleeves.



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